
Label 3.7-1.0.7-7-7.3
Genus \(3\)
Quotient genus \(0\)
Group \(C_7\)
Signature \([ 0; 7, 7, 7 ]\)
Generating Vectors \(1\)

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Family Information

Genus: $3$
Quotient genus: $0$
Group name: $C_7$
Group identifier: $[7,1]$
Signature: $[ 0; 7, 7, 7 ]$
Conjugacy classes for this refined passport: $2, 4, 4$

The full automorphism group for this family is $C_{14}$ with signature $[ 0; 2, 7, 14 ]$.

Jacobian variety group algebra decomposition:$A_{3}$

Generating vector(s)

Displaying the unique generating vector for this refined passport.

