
Label 4.40-8.0.2-4-10.2
Genus \(4\)
Quotient genus \(0\)
Group \(C_5:D_4\)
Signature \([ 0; 2, 4, 10 ]\)
Generating Vectors \(1\)

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Family Information

Genus: $4$
Quotient genus: $0$
Group name: $C_5:D_4$
Group identifier: $[40,8]$
Signature: $[ 0; 2, 4, 10 ]$
Conjugacy classes for this refined passport: $4, 5, 11$

Jacobian variety group algebra decomposition:$A_{2}^{2}$
Corresponding character(s): $9$

Other Data

Hyperelliptic curve(s):yes
Hyperelliptic involution: (1,6) (2,7) (3,8) (4,9) (5,10) (11,16) (12,17) (13,18) (14,19) (15,20) (21,26) (22,27) (23,28) (24,29) (25,30) (31,36) (32,37) (33,38) (34,39) (35,40)
Cyclic trigonal curve(s):no

Equation(s) of curve(s) in this refined passport:

Generating vector(s)

Displaying the unique generating vector for this refined passport.


  (1,21) (2,25) (3,24) (4,23) (5,22) (6,26) (7,30) (8,29) (9,28) (10,27) (11,36) (12,40) (13,39) (14,38) (15,37) (16,31) (17,35) (18,34) (19,33) (20,32)
  (1,33,6,38) (2,32,7,37) (3,31,8,36) (4,35,9,40) (5,34,10,39) (11,28,16,23) (12,27,17,22) (13,26,18,21) (14,30,19,25) (15,29,20,24)
  (1,14,2,15,3,11,4,12,5,13) (6,19,7,20,8,16,9,17,10,18) (21,34,22,35,23,31,24,32,25,33) (26,39,27,40,28,36,29,37,30,38)