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Results (14 matches)

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Label Dimension Base field L-polynomial $p$-rank Isogeny factors
2.13.am_ck $2$ $\F_{13}$ $( 1 - 6 x + 13 x^{2} )^{2}$ $2$
2.13.al_cc $2$ $\F_{13}$ $( 1 - 7 x + 13 x^{2} )( 1 - 4 x + 13 x^{2} )$ $2$
2.13.al_cd $2$ $\F_{13}$ $1 - 11 x + 55 x^{2} - 143 x^{3} + 169 x^{4}$ $2$
2.13.aj_bn $2$ $\F_{13}$ $1 - 9 x + 39 x^{2} - 117 x^{3} + 169 x^{4}$ $1$
2.13.ah_z $2$ $\F_{13}$ $1 - 7 x + 25 x^{2} - 91 x^{3} + 169 x^{4}$ $2$
2.13.ad_ae $2$ $\F_{13}$ $1 - 3 x - 4 x^{2} - 39 x^{3} + 169 x^{4}$ $2$
2.13.a_ax $2$ $\F_{13}$ $( 1 - 7 x + 13 x^{2} )( 1 + 7 x + 13 x^{2} )$ $2$
2.13.a_av $2$ $\F_{13}$ $1 - 21 x^{2} + 169 x^{4}$ $2$
2.13.d_ae $2$ $\F_{13}$ $1 + 3 x - 4 x^{2} + 39 x^{3} + 169 x^{4}$ $2$
2.13.h_z $2$ $\F_{13}$ $1 + 7 x + 25 x^{2} + 91 x^{3} + 169 x^{4}$ $2$
2.13.j_bn $2$ $\F_{13}$ $1 + 9 x + 39 x^{2} + 117 x^{3} + 169 x^{4}$ $1$
2.13.l_cc $2$ $\F_{13}$ $( 1 + 4 x + 13 x^{2} )( 1 + 7 x + 13 x^{2} )$ $2$
2.13.l_cd $2$ $\F_{13}$ $1 + 11 x + 55 x^{2} + 143 x^{3} + 169 x^{4}$ $2$
2.13.m_ck $2$ $\F_{13}$ $( 1 + 6 x + 13 x^{2} )^{2}$ $2$
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