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Results (10 matches)

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Label Dimension Base field L-polynomial $p$-rank Isogeny factors
3.13.ac_h_abk $3$ $\F_{13}$ $1 - 2 x + 7 x^{2} - 36 x^{3} + 91 x^{4} - 338 x^{5} + 2197 x^{6}$ $3$
3.13.ac_l_e $3$ $\F_{13}$ $( 1 - 2 x + 13 x^{2} )( 1 - 2 x^{2} + 169 x^{4} )$ $3$
3.13.ac_o_abm $3$ $\F_{13}$ $1 - 2 x + 14 x^{2} - 38 x^{3} + 182 x^{4} - 338 x^{5} + 2197 x^{6}$ $3$
3.13.a_e_ao $3$ $\F_{13}$ $1 + 4 x^{2} - 14 x^{3} + 52 x^{4} + 2197 x^{6}$ $3$
3.13.a_e_o $3$ $\F_{13}$ $1 + 4 x^{2} + 14 x^{3} + 52 x^{4} + 2197 x^{6}$ $3$
3.13.a_h_ai $3$ $\F_{13}$ $1 + 7 x^{2} - 8 x^{3} + 91 x^{4} + 2197 x^{6}$ $3$
3.13.a_h_i $3$ $\F_{13}$ $1 + 7 x^{2} + 8 x^{3} + 91 x^{4} + 2197 x^{6}$ $3$
3.13.c_h_bk $3$ $\F_{13}$ $1 + 2 x + 7 x^{2} + 36 x^{3} + 91 x^{4} + 338 x^{5} + 2197 x^{6}$ $3$
3.13.c_l_ae $3$ $\F_{13}$ $( 1 + 2 x + 13 x^{2} )( 1 - 2 x^{2} + 169 x^{4} )$ $3$
3.13.c_o_bm $3$ $\F_{13}$ $1 + 2 x + 14 x^{2} + 38 x^{3} + 182 x^{4} + 338 x^{5} + 2197 x^{6}$ $3$
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